Q. How far along are you? 30 weeks.
Q. Continually being asked "do you know what you are having???" hmmmm let me see ... a baby? We are having a girl.
Q. How are you feeling? Pregnant, duh! Like Sigourney Weaver's crew in Alien. Other than that, I'm feelin great!

Q. Can you feel her kicking? Moving, kicking, stretching, getting angry when she has the hiccups, and practicing her gymnastics routine.
Q. "It must be great to have an excuse to sit at home and do nothing". Excuse me? Im in the process of manufacturing a small human, thank you very much. Lol, and yes it is :)
Q. Is daddy excited? Well if he's not, too bad, cuz she will be here in 10 weeks. Lol but Ben is really excited, and we both cant wait for her to get here.
Q. Do you have a name picked out yet? Maybe we do, maybe we don't. But we aint tellin you cuz you will either criticize it or steal it.
Q. You look like you're about to explode! Really? I had no idea. I was feeling quite svelte today. Thanks for the earth shattering observation.
Q. Can I touch your belly? Sure! It's totally acceptable to grope a stranger's body. Can I touch yours?
Q. You can't possibly have X months left! Or "You only have X months left?" Wow! You know so much about this! I should just quit going to my OB and come straight to you! Some people think I look so small, and then the next person will say "omg, you have just popped since last time I saw you."
Q. Are you going to breastfeed? And ... this impacts you how?? Did you want to taste the milk?
Q. Should you be lifting that? Should you be allowed to speak? Im pregnant, not dying.
Q. Are you happy? What a stupid question.
Q. Wow, your young, did you plan this? What about school? Of course we planned this. Do I look like someone who wouldnt plan this? And, mind your own business.
oh Erin. I love this. haha. I think i like the belly touching answer the best. bahaha! :)