January 18, 2013

Fun and Not So Fun

Brooklynn is 3 1/2 weeks old, and her is a list of fun and not so fun things that we do:


1. Swimming-Well it has just barely been moved from the not-so-fun list, which makes mommy happy because it means that we are that much closer to going swimming, where mom can sit in the hot tub.

2. Swinging in her swing- she absolutely loves her swing. It is the only place where she will settle herself and fall asleep. She is currently in her swing, fast asleep, although I wouldnt say sound asleep because she is sure making lots of noise in her sleep.

3. Sleeping- this picture also shows good thing number 3, which is sleeping for 8 hours straight in the night. Although she does still have bad nights where we are up every two hours and stay awake for two hours at a time. 

4. Smiling-she is starting to smile alot more now, at people too, instead of just in her sleep when she has gas bubbles. I have yet to actually catch it on my camera, so i think im going to have to whip out the video camera soon. But this is a picture of Brooklynn smiling at Grandpa

5. Cute clothes- she is still too small for most of her cute outfits/dresses, but she are starting to be able to put her in a few of them, even if they might still be a little baggy.

NOT-SO-FUN (dont have many pictures of these ones lol)

1. Waking up every 10 minutes to eat- for the last week this has been her m.o. But i think she is getting over it.

2. Poopy diapers 2 min after you just changed it

3. Pooping through her cute clothes within two hours

4. Maverick trying to eat her soothers

5. Throwing tempers when i make her stop eating so that i can burp her- my mom and i laughed when she did this

6. Very very angry cry- already showing that she is going to be a drama queen.

But we love her to death and we wouldnt change anything about her.

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