Ok Ok, before you freak out, we werent really fighting, although i do have scratch marks up and down my arms. Since I have started supplementing while waiting for my milk to come back in, Brooklynn has become attached to the bottle. She is actually getting food now, so she fights me when i try to breastfeed her. She screamed and scratched me up trying to pull away. Screamed and screamed and screamed. And mommy cried and cried and cried.
I really wanted to continue breastfeeding, cuz its easier because you dont have to sterilize or prepare anything. I kind of feeling like I didnt try had enough, but she wasnt letting me, and wouldnt take me back even if it did come back in. So I was really upset. But not as upset as she was for not getting enough food. So she won that battle. We are now switching to formula.
Slowly trying to wean her off me and forcing some bfing, just so that I dont get sore and engorged. She could quit cold turkey, but I cant. So that is our little update.
No fun. I was never a good cow myself and had to take motlium and supplement for awhile. Gabri though, would not breast feed after her first bottle either. Stinker. With the last one I pumped for four months and supplemented and that worked for us! I was really upset about it with my first child too, but came to realize that they make formula the best that it can be for your babe if you can't breast feed.