Well, I don't know exactly what to write, but I have so many thoughts going on in my head. But I can't really fully talk about most of them for fear of offending someone, even though this is MY blog after all. Even something that is mine is tainted by others, sheesh. So I'm going to put my thoughts into very vague hypothetical "what if" questions, and if you can guess what they are referring to, then that means that you know me pretty well.
1. What if men understood women? Enough said lol
2. What if you never gained weight?
3. What if things were how they were a hundred years ago, with technology and such?
4. What if people would admit that they were/are stupid or wrong?
5. What if people just....just not?
6. What if babies could talk, what would they say?
7. What would my child self say to me right now, or think of what I have done with my life?
8. What will my future self say to me now?
9. What if spring would finally come?
10. What if I hadn't married a farmer/rancher?
11. What if I was just finishing my third year like all my previous college classmates?
12. What if I didn't care about other peoples lives, and the drama they cause?
13. What if we had had a boy?
14. What if we were allowed to say exactly what we want to say, all the time, without fear of sounding rude or mean? Because lets face it, someone has to say something about, or I'm gonna go crazy.
What if I didn't have people on facebook that I have deliberately
blocked so that I don't have to see their crap all over my news feed
because it makes me furious? And yet go to their timeline and look at
their crap cause I know that something on there will make me mad, and
want to say something to them, which leads back to #1.
16. What if people stopped being fake and doing/saying things just
because they think it is expected of them, or because they are trying to
fool everyone? Again, back to #1 and #2.
17. What if people would be a little less selfish and not try to one-up or out-do for attention?
18. What if people realized how ridiculous they sound/act?
19. What if I could just say what I really want to say right now?
20. What if I had just gone to bed instead of writing this list?
Believe me, most of them sound alot worse in my mind when connected to the actual facts. But I wont share all those with you, because #19 isnt possible in today's world. So count this as a very beat-around-the-bush rant, that probably only I can understand. So I probably should have just done #20 :)
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