Brooklynn has now spent as much time out in the world as she did growing in my belly. Yup, that's right, 9 months old!!! And my how quickly time passes, and how quickly they change. Its hard to believe that it has already been 9 months. And in a few short months, she will be 1!!! It's crazy sometimes.
At 9 months, this is where we are at:
-about 19lbs, give or take a few ounces
-new, big-girl carseat, still rear-facing (getting to big to be hauled around in the infant carseat)
-not even sure what size of clothes, I just try something on and see if it fits. Usually go through a couple before I find one that fits :( Toss the old ones in a tub for storage, some brand new, unworn.
-5 teeth, soon to be like 10. Lots of bubbly tender gums, its gonna be a rough time for the next little while
-speed demon crawler
-little turkey who likes to get into things she knows she shouldn't be in. Already lots of tude, looking at me like "try to stop me mom", "look what I'm doing", "pah-lease mom (with the accompanying eye roll).
-standing up to everything
-took her first two steps just last night, walking from me to my mom. I think by Halloween we will have a walker on our hands.
-can say momma, dadda, nanna, papa, auntie, jessica, ry-ry (especially for Ryan :) love that boy), yes, no, night-night, more, juice, tickle-tickle
-can tell you what a cow or sheep says
-claps, waves, blows kisses, gives hugs, dances
Its crazy how quickly she has become independent. I cant even remember the last time she let me rock her to sleep. I just lay her down in her crib, after she pesters me saying "nigh-nigh" over and over again, with her bottle and soother, and she puts herself to sleep. We usually snuggle when she wakes up, but not for long, because then its time to play again.
We did our first home installation the other day, and installed our new dishwasher. It works far. Im still waiting for the fitting to burst or something and to wake up one morning to a flooded kitchen. Fingers crossed. Next is a new tap for our kitchen sink.
Ben has lost 10lbs in about 2-3weeks, just from cutting carbs and going to the gym in the morning. I have lost 5lb in 1month. Why is it always so much easier for men to loose weight? It's not fair. But I just tell myself "Slowly, slowly".
Now that its fall, I've really been in the baking/crafty/homemaking mood. I have managed to keep my kitchen and livingroom clean for quite a while. Still kinda chicken to tackle the bedrooms (mostly Brooklynn's because I know that most of her clothes have to be packed away). This week I made a pumpkin pie (of course) for Ben. I hate pumpkin, but he absolutely loves it. I even made it from scratch...thats right, I baked my own pumpkin and everything. Granted, the crust was store bought, but who makes their own crust anyways lol. Today I made mini breakfast casseroles in muffin tins (eggs, hashbrowns, cheese, sausage) for a quick and easy breakfast in the morning. They should last a week I think. Tomorrow is lazy spicy cabbage roll casserole, and maybe a rootbeer float pie. Sunday is apple pie/crisp baked in apples for dessert. Mmmmm.
When I was thinking about writing this post, I realized something......No one cares!!! No one cares about what I write in my blog, because in reality, people are too busy and occupied with their own lives and problems and joys that they don't really care about mine. Yes, they might read my post, perhaps out of curiosity or most likely plain old boredom. But it doesnt really matter. And why should it? Although blogs were perhaps intended to share your life with others, its not really true life. We know that other people are reading it, so we are never 100% truely honest about, well anything. We don't go around sharing our problems or struggles or true feelings, we only share the good. Because really, we dont want people knowing that we have struggles, or what those struggles are. And yet, we all have them. We are afraid that because we have struggles, we are weaker or not as good as other people. No one likes to waves their dirty laundry in other peoples faces for the whole world to see. And so, unless you are privy to information, or are exceptionally close to someone, you will never truly know what their lives are like. What they go through everyday, their sorrow, their pain, their feelings. We only know what they want us to see. We all do it. I do it.
So that's why I wasnt gonna write this post, because really, its just a bunch of words on a screen. But then maybe it will make someone less bored. Someone who is up at 1am like I am. Someone who is struggling with their own secret problems, who can just escape to the happy moments in someone else's life, if even for a moment. Here's to you.
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