December 25, 2013

To My Sweet Birthday Girl

This entry is for Brooklynn, my sweet birthday girl…
Brooklynn's first portrait, and our first family picture 2012

One year ago Daddy and I received one of heaven’s littlest angels. Daily I find myself grasping at time as it whizzes past, trying to keep you my baby as long as I can. But time has flown by, and I want to share with you how you have grown this last year, so that when you are old enough to ask “Mom, what was I like when I was 1?”, I can share this amazing year with you. (I imagine being asked that question over the phone, as you sit awake after your own little precious angel has drifted off to sleep. And I weep thinking about how quickly time will snatch my little baby away from me to become a beautiful woman). This is what I want you to know:

1.       You were stubborn/determined! But don’t worry my love, I mean this in the most loving and positive way possible. Right from the get-go, you were determined to accomplish whatever you set your mind to. With everything that you did, you just woke up that morning and decided “Im going to do this today!” and you went and did it. One example of this was learning to crawl up stairs. You tried and tried to climb up the ledge by Grandma H’s piano, but got so frustrated when you couldn’t do it. The next day when we went over to visit, you crawled right over to the ledge and climbed up on the first try. It was as if you had been dreaming about it all night and had devised a plan to accomplish your goal. It was the same with everything that you wanted: bottle feeding, putting yourself to sleep, rolling over, crawling, stairs, talking, walking. Just out of the blue you would look at me as if saying “Mom, I don’t want to do it that baby way anymore, I’m big enough to do it this way”, and then you would. This made it very easy when it came to sleep training, and I pray that this attitude carries on to potty training and every other aspect of your life.

2.       You were the best newborn that I have ever seen. You hardly ever cried, and when you did you were easy to soothe. You slept like a dream. You played big and loved big. You were perfect. Im not just being biased, because everyone used to tell me how perfect you were. And you still are.

3.       Your blue eyes could melt hearts, especially your Daddy’s. He could never stay mad at you when he stared into those bright baby blues.

4.       You had your daddy’s love of animals. Your kitty and puppy could make you smile when you were grumpy. You would spend hours chasing Mr. Muss and Maverick around the house, pulling tails,  snuggling with them, and sitting on them. Many times I heard giggles coming from down the hall, and I would look to find the darting past you.

5.       You were the most chatty baby I have ever met! It was amazing how many things you could say, how quickly you learned new words, and how well you were able to express yourself. Of course, your favorite word was mama, as you lay in your crib calling for me to come get you. Next was dada, as your face lit up when he got home from work. Next was papa…papa worked really hard on that one. Nana was the name you called when you wanted to snuggle or talk on the phone. Jessica was your cutest name to learn, and we were all stunned that you could say such a hard word. You are still learning how to say Ryan, because he left on his mission before the talking stage, but you are trying really hard. Your next two words I heard about 100 times every day: More (also daddy’s first word) and no! It was easy for me to understand when you wanted more food, or when you were done or didn’t want something. It was incredible how well you could express yourself. Some of your other words included bottle, soother, diaper, thank you, sweater, shoes, night-night, purple, yellow, no more, down, book and mhmm. You could tell me what a sheep says, as well as a kitty, puppy, monkey, horse, cow, and a duck. Just before your birthday you learned how to say cute, cheese, a variation of yogurt, bye-bye, and puppy. One week before your birthday, while playing with your shoe, you told me they were cute when I asked if you liked them. You said “shoe…dere (there) cute”. My jaw dropped. Your first sentence before you were 1! Just before your birthday you learned how to say “I know,” so daddy taught you to say it whenever someone said that you are cute. There were lots of other things you could say, plus the entire baby language that you could speak. You just jabbered all day.

6.       You had attitude! Good and bad J you thought that you ran the show, and were upset when you found out that mommy was actually in charge (ya right, we both knew you were really the one who called the shots). I could have sworn that you had started the terrible two attitude phase at 10 months. But you also had spunk, and we adored you for that. There were many times where you would sass me, but all I could do was shake my head because it was just so darn incredible.

7.       You were a genius baby. You could do the actions to patty-cake, the little green frog, three little monkeys, and teasing mr. crocodile. You used your creativity to climb onto things (one time you opened the drawers on grandmas coffee table so that you could use them as a stair to climb up onto it). You climbed on everything!!! And then attempt to stand on it. You could turn on your stereo, climb up and down stairs, sneak around to get at something you are not supposed to touch, help put on and take off clothes, occasionally put your diaper in the genie, and take something to mommy or daddy. You could understand most of what we said to you, even though it didn’t feel like it at the time. Every day you did something that astounded me. I was always in awe at what you could do.

8.       Some of your favorite foods included mandarin oranges, noodles, steak, beef jerky, yogurt tubes, chocolate milk, pickles, ice cream, smoothies, and fruit snacks.

9.       You rolled over at 4 months, sat up unassisted at about 5.5 months, crawled at 6 months, pulled yourself up to standing at about 8.5 months, and walked by 10 months. By 1 year you could climb up onto low couches and chairs (or pretty much anything that you thought you could stand or sit on) and could really motor.

10.   Just before your birthday, our favorite things that you could do were giving kisses (you would give great only-slightly-slobbery kisses on demand, mommy’s favorite!!), giving lickin’s, and giving bonks (bonking heads).

11.   You changed daddy’s life

12.   You changed mommy’s life

Nothing could have prepared us for this great adventure that we have embarked upon, you, me, and daddy. You have grown so much this year, and we are constantly amazed at the little girl you are growing up to be. You are an amazing little girl, who brings joy to your family. You make everything good, and make everyone feel good about themselves through the love that you so freely give. I never feel better about myself than when I look into your smiling face. Daddy feels the same way too. We see the best of ourselves in you, and the way you see us reflected back to us in those bright blue eyes that look up at us with such devotion. You are our whole world! We love you more than life itself. Now that we have you, we will never let you go. You are our everything! Happy Birthday my sweet angel <3

Brooklynn 1yr old, and our newest family picture 2013

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