December 21, 2014

Early Christmas

Last weekend we had Brooklynn's 2nd Birthday party and fake Christmas at the Hubers, I was completely convinced that I would either be in the hospital over Christmas having a baby, or that I would be to miserably pregnant by Christmas to want to throw her a party.So we had it early...but thats for another post, cuz more excitingly........SHE'S HERE!

Olivia Krissy Huber's Birth Story

So, at my 39week appointment I had the Dr do a stretch and sweep, even though i knew that it hadnt done anything when I had it done when i was pregnant with Brooklynn. He did the sweep...only 1cm dialated and 50% effaced. Pooey. So I resigned myself to the fact that she wasnt coming early. And, the sweep did nothing, as predicted....or so I thought. This is the last bump picture that I took at 39weeks.
39weeks with Olivia

Just for comparison sake, here is 40weeks with Brooklynn

Sunday morning i woke up at 5am for my hourly pee, and found show. I didnt get too excited as i know that it can happen up to like 2 weeks before labor. So i went back to bed, slightly hopeful i must admit. About an hour later I started having light contractions, not braxton hicks and not intense labor contractions, but definitely early labor. They were only about 15min apart, but kinda went away when i got up to go to Church. At Church i walked the halls, hoping to bring them back. Had a few contractions. So after church I went with my mom to walk the mall. Contractions came back, as close as 5min apart, but only lasting about 30seconds, and I could walk through them...not labor.That night they really picked up! Super painful, like moaning and groaning through them, very much labor! But, they were 10min apart still. So I was up all night with these painful contractions, no sleep.

Monday, went about my day, very tired from being up all night. Again, contractions became wussy and few and far between. That night at my parents house they picked up yet again, as close as 3 min. We decided to go home and try to sleep as I thought it was still a far ways off based on my experience with Brooklynn. We left my parents house, and contractions dropped back to 10-15min apart, although more and more painful. They continued all night, eventually reaching 5 min apart. Ben called L&D and asked when we should come in cuz he didnt want to be sent home. Cuz even though I was still 5min apart, I was not coping very well and the contractions were comparable to when i was about 7cm when i was pregnant with Brooklynn. The nurse talked to me on the phone, just as i had a contraction. From listening to me she suggested that we had better come we were off. I was completely expecting to be sent home after they assessed me. We arrived at the hospital shortly after 1am.

Tuesday...we got to the hospital in the wee hours of the morning and the nurse checked me. A good 4cm!!!! No freaking way! I thought she was crazy, cuz there was no way i was already 4 with them being so far apart still. So we were admitted, we were not going home! It was baby time!!!!!!! So, again, I labored in the shower as I had done with Brooklynn. The nurse kindly brought me the portable gas tank, although I dont really think that it was on, cuz it didnt help at all. I was surprised with how early she offered a pain intervention to me, and thought that perhaps I would get the epidural I was wanting for this delivery,(I had been fantasizing about the epidural the entire pregnancy, cuz I only had gas with Brooklynn and wanted more!). The reason she offered so early was cuz she was expecting me to go pretty fast apparently. Ben poked his head in the shower to check on me and told me that the nurse had everything ready out there (oh, forgot to mention they actually had me laboring in the delivery room, not one of the pre-rooms). I started feeling pressure, not pushing pressure but definietly pressure, so I got out of the shower and she checked me again....8cm!! And according to Ben i was only in the shower for 1.5hrs. Booyah! A while later she checked me again during a contraction and did a sweep....woosh, there went my water. Again, as i had with Brooklynn, I kinda got stuck at 9.5cm, but with the help of lots of gas I made it to 10. I started to push. It was much different than with Brooklynn, where the pushing was the relief part of labor. This pushing sucked! It didnt come naturally and I had to work very hard. I know that I kept repeating "I cant do this," pathetically, even though i knew i could/had to. THe nurse called the Dr in then cuz apparently baby's heartrate dropped to 90bpm when i was pushing. So Dr Harrison came in. He froze me a little and told me he was gonna use the vacuum to help get her out faster cuz of her heartrate dropping. So then it was time to push again. 1 or 2 (i cant remember) contractions later she was out. Apparently she had the cord around her neck loosely which was the cause of her distress, and her arm was up by her head which was the cause for the difficulty pushing. But she was out at 4:39am on December 16th 2014.

Olivia Krissy Huber
Dec 16 2014 @ 4:39am
8lbs 4oz

We spent the morning in the hospital, and then around 2pm the Dr came and discharged us! From admittance to discharge was 13hrs! I was happy to go home that early, cuz I felt great and I really hate hospital beds. And I was feeling good, honestly. It was such a different experience from Brooklynn's was faster, less painful, I was less swollen, less uncomfortable, less tired. She had a great latch when breastfeeding, so even that was cracked nips, no wincing when latching. Everything about it was and has been completely different so far. 

Today Olivia is 5 days old, and things are going good. Im a little worried about my milk supply, but I have proactively gone on domperidone/motilium to try to nip it in the butt. She is a good sleeper at night (too bad I have to wake her up to feed so that my milk supply stays up), and pretty content during the day as long as she is being held. Brooklynn is um....adjusting? She likes her little baby sister Olivia, but she is struggling with the decreased mommy time on demand. And, she is we are also having some independence/defiance/strong-willed child problems. She is more whiny, more defiant. But it doesnt help that she is getting a cold, so that plays a negative role too. It will definitely take some time to adjust. But we will get there Im sure, and hopefully everyone survives. Wish us luck! 

October 03, 2014

Stuff (aka never know what to title my posts)

Lets start with Brooklynn I guess, cuz she's the cutest. She got a hair cut last weekend in preparation for family pictures. It was her first haircut ever! She was pretty squirmy but she didn't mind it at all. I was afraid she was gonna freak out, but she was totally fine. It makes her hair look quite a bit shorter, but it was desperately needed, and it actually tamed the crazy a little bit so it still looks cute without being done. Here are some pics.

Yes, she still has a soother :-| I was just about to take it away and she decided to get sick and teeth her 2 yr old molars at the same time. No way was i gonna do that sans soother. She has been a boogey snotty drooling mess for the last week, and more of a handful than usual. Tiring this mommy out. But she's cute, so she somehow makes it through the day alive.

This girl is so stinkin smart, sometimes it makes me just want to kick her little butt. I wish that i had a video camera that just videotaped my entire day with her so that i could have proof of how flipping smart she is. Maybe i need to invest in a go-pro. She sings all the words to songs buy herself, she knows (most) or her alphabet and i sometimes catch her saying them, she always asks "how are you today?" whenever she sees someone. Sometimes when she wants something done she tells me "mommy, do it yourself!", cheeky little girl. All day everyday i find myself saying and thinking "no way, your not even two yet you turkey!" Most people we run into ask how old she is, and assume she is three. Nope, not even two yet. Ben always comments "is she like this ALL day? Does she ever stop? Will she eventually plateau, or is she gonna be this flippin smart and advanced forever?" I dont mean to brag, but this girl is seriously a genius! I have never met a 21month old with her vocabulary, communication skills, or understanding. Im in so much trouble!!!!!!!!!

He's done picking corn, and its kind of the 2 week lull in between corn and silage. Cows dont come home till it snows/freezes really good, so he has a while on that still. But he does have cow stuff to do in order to get the feedlot ready to bring them all home. Luckily Sue said she is going to go out and do my paperwork job when it comes to branding and weighing when we wean, so i don't have to go sit out in the cold for hours on a hard chair while 7 months pregnant. That was no fun when i was pregnant with Brooklynn. Ben has had time now, so he has started back up at kickboxing 4 days a week. You can definitely tell when its kickboxing season cuz my van stinks like sweaty gear and Ben is covered in glove bite marks and clinch bruises. He looks like I physically abuse him at home lol. Luckily nothing on his face....yet. The marks aren't from actually getting beat up, just from training and getting banged up by equipment when they are sparring. Sorry, no pictures of Ben.

But i do have some pretty cute pictures of baby girl :-) We had a 3D ultrasound last weekend, and it turned out way better than when we went when i was pregnant with Brooklynn. Here are some of the good ones

She is measuring right on track and looking great. Crazy that she could come out now and be totally fine (well not fine, but survive and have a good chance). She still doesn't have a name yet, but we are narrowing down the list. She wont have a name till she is born, cuz daddy is pretty adamant about that. And i cant even tell people any of the possibilities. I wish i could just have a name for her already like lots of other pregnant women. Then i could personalize things. But oh well. Here are some pictures of baby girls room. I painted it all by myself!!!!!! Lol you can definitely tell, cuz it was my first time and i was a little shaky on cutting in the roof. Dont worry, we are gonna fix it......eventually lol. All that is left to do is make a name banner (would be nice to actually have a name lol), and put the clothes in the dresser and closet. All the baby clothes are sorted, washed, and currently stored in vacuum seal bags in the closet, so we are ready to go. Also pictured is my steal of a deal double stroller!!!! Found it on kijiji for $100, regular $298! And its in perfect new shape, so i saved us a buttload for money

The mirror and wall hangings were my great-grandmas, finally being put to use:-)

Im all about saving money this year for Christmas, cuz we are trying to save up. So i am doing homemade Christmas this year, and i am mostly done! Ben and i have decided we don't want much from each other, so it will be like a couple gifts. I am done parents and siblings! All i have to do is Brooklynn, and this is what im making for her out of my computer desk that is currently being used to collect junk in my kitchen.

Its gonna be awesome!!! I cant wait. Like literally, i cant wait cuz i need to start asap. I know i wont want to be doing it when im 8 or 9 months pregnant, im already starting to hit the returning 3rd trimester fatigue, which sucks. Here are some updated pictures ofthe bump,






28 weeks

And here is 29 weeks with Brooklynn and with this baby

Baby #2

July 25, 2014

Time For An Update

So its been a while, as always. I seem to really only have something to write when there are big updates. Im afraid that I inevitably miss lots of important things because i forget about them by the time I actually blog. So i guess i need to update you all on work, Brooklynn, and life.

The farm is always crazy and busy. Ben has taken over alot of responsibility and extra tasks over the last few months. All the cow work for the season has finally eneded as they have all been bred and taken to pasture. So that removes a big job for   Ben until fall when we bring them home. Cows have been a steady job since about February when calving started, so its nice to have it finally done. But now is the season of 16+ hours every day with irrigation and harvest and fall prep. So really cow stuff isnt really done, cuz they have to still clean up the feedlot and get stuff ready for fall. Ben hardly gets to see Brooklynn very much because he leaves for work before she wakes up and gets home long after she has gone to sleep, very often after I have gone to sleep as well. Its hard on him, and its hard on us. But he does it anyway, usually without complaint. Im the one who secretly complains.

Well enough of the boring lol. Now we need some pictures!! Brooklynn is as cute and crazy as ever. She is 19months today, crazy!!!! She is so flippen smart, I truly cant believe it sometimes. She counts to ten, knows colors and shapes, knows about a million songs, knows all the kids' names in nursery, is a little chatter box and talks constantly!! Her new "cute" is playing hide and seek.... she covers her eyes and yells "mommy, where are you? Ready or not, here comes!!!!" It makes me laugh every single time. She also says "yes sweetheart. Yes monkey butt. Yes sweetie pie. Yes dear," just some of the responses she gets from various family members lol. I still cannot tame her crazy hair, but it doesn't surprise me (mine was worse)! She can also speak spanish lol! She says "hola, como estas? Muy bien!" My dad taught her in a matter of hours in honor of Ryan and Jessica being on spanish speaking missions. Its pretty cute. She also likes saying the blessing on the food, and is usually the one reminding us that we haven't prayed yet at meal time, and snack time. And as always.....obsessed with Barney!!!! Again, just like her momma :-)

Canada day

Feeding baby

Rockin the shades

Big girl pony, only lasts about 5 minutes

Pretty flowers

Feeding baby

Eating lunch with mommy

Habla espanol!

And its a good thing she can sit in front of the tv and watch Barney, because it lets mommy sit and rest! Growing a baby is always a tiring job :-)!!! Yup, we are expecting baby #2! We got pregnant the month after our miscarriage, making this baby due December 18th! Man, can i time it or what!?! Thats only 2 days after Brooklynns due date! Looks like i could get another Christmas baby, or Christmas eve or boxing day baby ^_^ December is shaping up to be a very expensive month for this family. This pregnancy has been really good so far, with only a little bit of nausea and some recent dizzy spells. The first trimester was scary and stressful after our recent loss, but everything is perfectly fine, and baby girl is growing right on schedule!!
9 weeks

12 weeks

Yes, its another little Huber GIRL!!!!! We had our ultrasound on Thursday and she looked great! It will be lots of fun for Brooklynn to have a little sister and friend to play with! And it will help with the Christmas costs because I dont have to buy anything new, except a double stroller that im drooling over! Im nervous about having to little rugrats, especially since Brooklynn is so crazy and active. But she likes babies, and takes her dolly around with her everywhere. Im trying to get her to help mommy more so that she is a big helper when baby comes. The good thing about our bad timing is that it is actually great timing for having a baby for a farmer/rancher! Our only down time for work is between Dec and Feb, so it works out great, cuz ill have ben around more for the transition and adjustment. We are so excited! Now to just find a name.......oh joy! We had so much trouble with Brooklynns name, and had a dozen boys names for this time, but no girls. Oh well, we have 21 weeks to figure it out :-)
14 weeks

16 weeks

17 weeks

18 weeks

19 weeks, almost half way!!! (I dont feel like im very big, much smaller than with Brooklynn, and not growing much. Some days i can still hide it even)

Perfect little profile of baby GIRL at 19 weeks!

First purchase for little girl:-)