March 29, 2015

My Girls

Is now three and a half months old. She is trying really hard to roll over from bCk to tummy. Noy sure what she is gonna do once she figures it out, cuz she hates tummy time. She actually really sucks at it too lol. She spends the majority of the time with her face pressed against the ground with her butt in the air. It looks more like she is trying to crawl than lift her head. So it might take her a bit longer to roll over. But she is almost there. Brooklynn rolled over April 4th, so looks like Olivia will be just behind her :) Sge is starting to chat more. I have got her to laugh, but only once,  she has et to do it since then. She is such a little diva and screams bloody murder when her bottle is empty and we try to burp her. That kid goes from 0-60 in like two seconds. She is still dealing wuth constipation issues, and i have to remember to give her prune juice every day, so we are gonna ha e to hokd off on food. She has had a few tastes of things,  but holding off on the substance. She is such a good baby...plays on her mat, happy, falls asleep on the floor. I ha e only ever had to rock her to sleep like twice in the last two months. She sleeps 9:30-7:30 most nights and takes lots of short napd (30min). She is such a sweetie and so so smiley.

Kitty cuddles (shortly before kitty ran away)

My smiley

Love this picture! 

Thats the best it gets for tummy time,  for like five seconds

Such a good sleeper


Love my snuggles. Better cuddler than brooklynn was

I have a thing for sleeping babies, something about their eyes and mouth. Im a weirdo.


She is just as cute and crazy as ever. She is definitely a very active and trying little two year old. Shes my little spitfire two-eenager. She picks up on everything, and i have daddy to blame for lots of the things she says (he says them jokingly, but she doesn't know that)...."dont you whatever tell me what to do!"....or what she heres from either of us "you dont say that to me" (referring to her saying no to us). She is very opinionated, stubborn, and busy. By the end of the day i am done, and just have to get her in bed before i go crazy.  The farther past 7 she stays up,  the more defiante she gets and the crazier i get. But she is sure a little spitfire and so sweet.  She says thank you to everyone at the store when we are out, or if someone holds a door open for us (very much the same way i say it, little tape recorder!). She always reminds us to says blessings (blesses her bottle of milk while going to bed) and gives really good, thoughtful, non repetitious prayers. She loves nursery, the missionaries, and Olivia. If Olivia is crying in the the car she puts on her most mommy soothing voice and says "oh baby, its okay baby, mommys gonnaget u once we get to the store, we are almost there. I know Olivia,  i know baby. Its ok, dont cry". <\3 just melts my heart sometimes. So sweet and so cute and smart. She likes posing for pictures, sometimes does duck face all by herself (ugh) and sometimes says cheese reeaallyy hard (you will see what i mean lol).
Cracks me up

Saying cheese reeaally hard

Two matching cuties


"Hips on the hips"

Helping mommy with her projects

Cant wait to get outside

Duck face all by herself (i blame u auntie emily)

This is how i woke her up from her nap. She had wrapped uo her barbie and slept with it like that

More posing before church


We got a "new to us" hot tub!!!

Crazy bedhead

Utah trip

At the end of February we loaded up the girls and drove down to Hurricane Utah to visit Bens parents at their snowbird house. The girls did amazing on the drive...Olivia slept most of the time, ate in her carseat, and we only had to stop long enough to burp her, get a little stretch, and change her bum. Brooklynn just ate snacks and watched Dora and Winnie the Pooh. They were so good. The weather was nice down there so the girks actually got to play outside! We went to a cute little children's museum,  which was a ton of fun for brooklynn (ok and mommy and daddy lol). We saw the temple, ben and i went to a session, mommy got a chance to do her hair and look pretty lol.. We also got to drive down to vegas and meet up with Emily and ricky snd landon. My first time to vegas. Walked along the strip, which wasn't much fun cuz i was carrying olivia and my back and feet hurt....ben was carrying brooklynn cuz earlier that day we thought she had broke her leg lol. She couldn't walk on it for a couple days, had me worried, but it was just tweaked. Hyperextension or something.  We went to the shark aquarium and the park. Had lots of fun, lots of food. Some pictures from our trip....

My Husband Told Me To Get A Hobby...

So, whenever I complain to Ben about him always going to the gym, buying and shooting guns, kickboxing, playing video games....he always tells me to get a hobby then. Well, I have recently found a hobby.....


Can that be a hobby? Well, its my new hobby, so get over it.

I am actually pretty proud of myself for my craftiness (not a creative person at all), and Im actually really enjoying it. Im kinda in a lull at the moment cuz to be honest, it was a lot of work doing these projects....since i have a crazy two-eenager and a little babe, and still have to keep my house from looking like something out of a horder episode lol.

So here are a few of my projects as of late....

1. Collage Wall
     I was REALLY tired of my house looking like I had just moved in...I mean come on! We have lived here for almost three years, its time to decorate...and i mean decorate, not just toss a few pictures on the walls.

2. Name Banner

3. Toilet paper roll wall hanging

4. DIY canvas pictures
This is somewhat a tradition in the atwood grandmother has a picture of my mom and her siblings in the bathtub as kids, a picture of me and my brother and my two oldest cousins, and now a picture of my girls on her bathroom wall. Three generations of bathtime fun. So now I am putting those pictures on my walls. I just have to do bens picture once i get the copy from the printers. This was so easy...canvas, modge podge, and a little bit of black paint. Voila

5. Burlap wreath

6. Bathroom reno
-painted walls
-painted cabinets, used chalk paint for the first time. ..2coats plus 2 coats varnish.
-spray painted countertops with stone spray paint
-matching towels, curtain, and floor mat
- still have to do mirror frame and hang bathroom pictures
After walls painted


Almost finished! Just need to cut and paint trim for mirror frame.